The term glassy eyes often refer to a glazed over or shiny appearance of the eyes that makes them appear unfocused. It is a common problem that many people have to deal with, and several medical conditions and medications can result in the glassy-eyed appearance. Most instances of glassy eyes are due to lifestyle choices, such as working long hours in front of a computer or drug and alcohol use—these can lead to less blinking, resulting in a glassy-eyed appearance.

Medical conditions that affect the eye may also result in the glassy look. The following are some of the conditions:. A highly contagious eye infection that is usually caused by adenovirus. It will take approximately five to 12 days after being infected by the virus to begin experiencing symptoms. This may include conjunctival hyperemia, watery discharge, and eye irritation that usually begins with one eye and spreads to the other. Additionally, patients affected by viral conjunctivitis may have a sensitivity to light and the sensation that a foreign body is stuck in the eye.

The eye will also likely appear red and inflamed, which may blur your vision. Caused by herpes simplex virus type 1 and is considered a common recurrent viral infection affecting the eyes.

It may sometimes be referred to as a cold sore on the eye as it can lead to inflammation and scarring of the cornea. Associated with allergic conditions such s hay fever allergic rhinitis and atopic eczema dermatitis. Eye allergies develop in the same fashion as allergies in general do, being a response to a particular allergen causing histamine release, wheater it is seasonal, due to pets, or otherwise.

Common symptoms include itching, redness, tearing, burning, watery discharge, and eyelid swelling. Defined as having low blood sugar in the body, hypoglycemia can be can happen for several reasons including diet, due to some medications and condition, and exercise.

Impaired vision can be a consequence of hypoglycemia which may present as having double vision or tunnel vision. Several systems of support are available for people who want to reduce the amount of alcohol they consume. When a person receives treatment for the underlying cause of glassy eyes, the symptom will resolve. It is important to report any accompanying symptoms, which can signal a more serious condition.

In many cases, the conditions responsible for glassy eyes are easy to treat. Burning eyes refers to stinging or irritation of the eyes. This symptom can be uncomfortable and concerning, but it is treatable. Learn about the…. People sometimes sleep with their eyes open, which is known medically as nocturnal lagophthalmos. Symptoms caused by this condition include redness…. A look at the condition of sunken eyes, where the eyes seem deep set and darkened.

Causes include vitamin deficiencies, lack of sleep, smoking, and…. In this article, we look at reasons for feelings of pressure behind the eye, including a migraine or sinus infection. When should you see a doctor? The rule says that after spending 20 minutes on the computer, a person should spend 20 seconds looking at an object 20 feet away.

This may…. What does it mean when your eyes are glassy? Medically reviewed by Ann Marie Griff, O. Causes Prevention Takeaway We include products we think are useful for our readers. What are the causes of glassy eyes?

Share on Pinterest Glassy eyes are often caused by strain. Share on Pinterest Herpes may cause glassy eyes and blisters on the eyelids.. Ways to prevent glassy eyes. Share on Pinterest Resting the eyes after prolonged screen time may help to prevent a number of eye problems. Scientists identify new cause of vascular injury in type 2 diabetes. Adolescent depression: Could school screening help? Related Coverage. None of the ones I heard felt right….

A few years ago I noticed that when I would look into the eyes of Serge Benhayon, founder of Universal Medicine, they seemed to sparkle as if there was a light coming from inside them. It was different from what I could see in other people's eyes. I could feel an enormous level of love, understanding and awareness in Serge.

At first I didn't make the connection between these feelings and the light in his eyes. I would look at my own eyes in the mirror and they just didn't seem to have that same sparkle, that same light coming from them. However, one day recently I looked in the mirror and oh my gosh, my eyes have got that sparkle too!

It's amazing, it's visible, other people see it and they comment on it. In fact, my physiotherapist saw me for the first time in quite a while and she said: "Oh my God, your eyes! So it's a definite tangible thing that can be seen physically. I can only attribute the change in my own eyes to a period of 'doing the work', that is, working on myself, being a committed, honest student of my own life, livingness and evolution, increasing my awareness of my choices, taking on greater responsibility for the impact that I have on myself and others, becoming more loving and more understanding.

From this has come a greater sense of wellbeing within myself that is emanated to other people. I would bet that no scientist has ever studied the sparkling light in the eyes that develops as people develop more awareness, love, understanding and wisdom. I'll bet nobody's ever put a 'sparkle meter' in front of people's eyes and measured the difference, correlated with what they do and how they do it in their lives. What is their day-to-day livingness like — their quality of life, the quality of their energy as they go about it?

How loving are they, how connected, how present? And is that directly correlated with the sparkling light that comes from their eyes? I say from my own experience, absolutely yes. This is an amazing science that conventional scientific and medical research has yet to explore.

Recently scientists have looked at the connection between the personality and the purely physical properties of the eye lines and dots in the iris and retinal blood flow , which turn out to be genetically linked.

Battery mAh. OS Windows Phone 7. Cons Thick body 0. Design Size comparison. Despite our efforts to provide full and correct Samsung Omnia 7 specifications, there is always a possibility of admitting a mistake.

If you are interested in using our specs commercially, check out our Phone specs database licensing page. Windows Phone 7. Many first generation unlocked Windows Phones can be bought for dirt cheap via Amazon. There's no visible change to the keyboard as you type and the result does seem to be more accurate typing. When things do go wrong, the autocorrection system is pretty good at making the right guesses for misspelled words; where it gives up, words are underlined with the familiar red line that Word users will recognise.

Tap an underlined word and suggested corrections are offered. You can go back and make these corrections after completing a train of thought, which helps keep the words flowing. We do have a grumble about text entry, but this relates to the Windows Phone 7 operating system rather than Samsung's handset. There's no press-and-hold for secondary characters or numbers: instead, you have to move into another keyboard for these, and then return to the main keyboard. It has 8GB of internal storage, and there's no scope to enhance this with microSD cards.

Microsoft says this restriction allows it control the speed and quality of the storage used. Bing Maps includes a number of features we expect to see as standard on smarphones these days. There is navigation functionality, the ability to find locations and services, and if you zoom in far enough the view automatically provides a satellite overlay.

Press on a location once found, such as a restaurant, and you're taken to a new screen containing address and phone number details that offers to route you there from your current location. You can pin a location to the Start screen too, which could prove useful if you're checking on somewhere you want to visit later. When we reviewed the HTC 7 Mozart we rather liked the animations that make the screen content swivel as the device is turned in the hand.

However, having used Windows Phone 7 for a couple of weeks, we find it tedious to wait for this animation to happen. Over time, users may prefer a swifter reorientation. Again, this is a Microsoft issue rather than a Samsung one, and it affects all Windows Phone 7 handsets. Windows Phone 7 done not let you synchronise contacts and calendar entries from the desktop. You can synchronise data using the Zune desktop software, but this only covers music, videos, pictures and podcasts.

But it's that screen that really makes things pop on this phone — it's almost like the feeling you get when you first see a Blu-ray on a proper HD telly: everything looks more real than reality itself. Yes, we've seen the same things on the Samsung Galaxy S , but for some reason the angular design of Windows Phone 7 interface really brings out the deep contrast and vivid colours more than on the Android version. This is the same side as the small but easy to press camera button, which is staggered to help activate the autofocus, and is easy to use.

The top of the phone houses the ports — we're looking at a pretty basic 3. The uninspiring-looking camera is in the same place, although with the Omnia 7 the plastic back has been replaced with a Samsung Wave -a-like metallic option that we really like. You release this with a small switch at the bottom, and the cover simply pops up with no hassle. What is the screen size of Samsung I Omnia 7, how big is? The screen size of the Samsung I Omnia 7 is 4" inches. What are the dimensions of the Samsung I Omnia 7, what are the sizes?

The size of the Samsung I Omnia 7 is Does Samsung I Omnia 7 support 5G? No, it does not support 5G. Is Samsung I Omnia 7 waterproof? No, it is not waterproof.

Does Samsung I Omnia 7 have fast charging? No, it does not support fast charging. Does Samsung I Omnia 7 have wireless charging? No, it does not support wireless charging. Yes, it supports Google gmail, youtube, etc.

Quiz: Are you and your partner compatible? As a couple, would you say that you share a common vision for your future? We frequently talk about our future goals together. If someone asked you how compatible you were as a couple, what would you say? How do your political views match those of your partner? We avoid talking politics. When it comes to religion, are there any points of contention?

How do you spend your spare time as a couple? So, do you think you are happy in your relationship? Take our quiz and find out. Read less. Questions Excerpt 1. Do the things your partner does make you smile with joy? Do you feel like you can have a great and long pleasant conversation with your partner?

Do you have a bad feeling about them, like, for instance, the fact that maybe they don't like you at all? You've never felt this way before thinking that they will like it. Here's how to stay strong, cope, remain positive, and live in a marriage that feels all bad. When it comes to masculinity, terms like "toxic" and "harmful" are often thrown around.

Still, there is a shift towards and real-life examples of…. Just because you've been together for years doesn't mean you have to lose that spark. There are ways to keep the romance alive year-round, not just on….

Perhaps you've never felt romantically attracted to anyone, it could be a sign you might be…. Medically reviewed by Timothy J. Legg, Ph.

Bangladesh Male prostitution is illegal, but everything else is legal. Source: Source - photoshelter 5. Belgium They have been trying to remove the stigma, violence and fear associated with prostitution by not just legalising it but also running proper state of the art brothels with fingerprint technology and keycards!

Source: Source - businessinsider 6. Brazil Prostitution in itself is legal here, though you'll totally get busted if you're channeling your inner Snoop Dogg and pimping away to glory. Source: Source - abcnews 7. Canada Prostituting yourself is legal, but buying sex became illegal during the end of Source: Source - rantlifestyle 8. Colombia It is legal to work in the sex industry in Colombia, though pimping isn't. Source: Source - nyt 9. Denmark Prostitution is legal here.

Source: Source - dailymail Ecuador Everything related to sex work is legal here. Source: Source - spiritofbaraka France Prostitution is legal in France, though soliciting in public is still outlawed.

Source: Source - huffpost Germany Prostitution was legalised here in and there are proper state run brothels. Europe's 'biggest brothel' is Germany. While sex work was tolerated as early as the s, the government formally legalized it in Reeperbahn in Hamburg, Germany has long been one of the world's most famous red-light districts. In its s heyday, it was home to over 1, prostitutes, but in recent years, the area has become better known cheap bars and binge drinking.

Hamburg's main sex-trade street is blocked by foot high barricades on either end, and men under eighteen and women are prohibited from entering. The barricades are a major point of contention for feminist activists, who frequently demonstrate nearby. The women then sell to customers at prices they negotiate directly. The brothel takes only the room rental fee. The oldest brothel in Hamburg is Hotel Luxor, which opened over 60 years ago.

In , Waltraud Mehrer, the Luxor's "madame," closed the brothel due to declining business. One of the largest 'eros centers' is Pascha, a story brothel-nightclub in Cologne, Germany.

Typically, a woman has to sleep with four men to break even. Pascha has hair, tanning, and nail salons, a restaurant, and a boutique for the women.

Pascha is run by Hermann Mueller, whose father opened the brothel. Mueller told The Telegraph in that his girlfriend of several years is a prostitute. Her profession doesn't bother him. Legalized prostitution has spawned even bigger ventures than Pascha, like Paradise, a chain of five brothels across Germany, with more on the way. Not everyone is happy about the increased sex trade. From there, anyone can use the facilities, which include saunas, a movie theater, a restaurant, and rooms.

Sex workers negotiate directly with customers. Many are coerced or trafficked. Not every customer wants sex. One worker not pictured told The Telegraph that she's had customers that want to be walked on a leash "like a doggy," while others only want to tell her stories about their childhood.

Become whatever they need," she said. While the sex trade has encouraged "sex tourists" from the UK, France, and the US to visit, many customers are locals that have been going for years. A man named Michael told Reuters he'd been going since he was 13 and had a favorite sex worker he frequented. Like any other industry, it fluctuates with the economy. Some countries choose to outright ban the practice, while other countries have tried regulating it, providing sex workers with health and social benefits.

Prostitution is legal in Finland, but selling and purchasing sex in public is illegal, as well as purchasing or pimping a trafficked victim. Street work is banned but clients are all accessible through the Internet and personal ads. In addition to decreasing street-workers, cyberspace has also contributed to a growing number of foreign sex workers operating in Finland through ads and massage parlours.

Prostitution is completely legal in Costa Rica. The problems are with the activities surrounding prostitution. Pimping is illegal, prostitution rings are illegal, and there is also a huge problem with child prostitution and human trafficking. Costa Rica is, unfortunately, a common transit and destination point for women and children who are being trafficked for sexual exploitation purposes. Prostitution has been legal in New Zealand since There are even licensed brothels operating under public health and employment laws, which means the workers get social benefits just like other employees.

In most jurisdictions, prostitution, solicitation, or agreeing to engage in an act of prostitution are classified as punishable offences. Most U. Trafficking —recruiting and moving people by force, fraud or coercion-is illegal in the U.

Similar to Canadian law, prostitution itself is not illegal in the United Kingdom, though acts related to prostitution are against the law. Working as an escort or a private prostitute is not an offence though causing, motivating or controlling prostitution for personal gain is illegal. Bans on brothels and pimping were lifted in October and the industry is now regulated by labour law.

Prostitutes are registered workers. Municipalities are responsible for issuing licences and conducting inspections to ensure quality standard working conditions. Prostitution is legal and regulated in Germany.

This is not a good idea because it is time consuming and imprecise. Bottles may carbonate unevenly and explode. Plus there is a greater risk of infection because the sugar has not been boiled. The exception to these rules is to use PrimeTabs'.

More on this product in a minute. Here's how to make and add priming solutions: 1. Use the nomograph in Figure 65 to determine a more precise amount of priming sugar if you wish. Sign up using Facebook. Sign up using Email and Password. Post as a guest Name. Email Required, but never shown.

Featured on Meta. Now live: A fully responsive profile. Related 8. Hot Network Questions. Question feed. Homebrewing Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled. These types of sugar can add character to the beer if a brewer is trying to accentuate a certain profile. The total volume of the beer in the bottling bucket is the value homebrewers need for this calculation. Be sure to utilize a bottling bucket with fairly accurate volume markings to ensure a proper reading is taken.

Most standard American ales target their carbonation at roughly 2. Start off with these standard levels and you can play with the levels as you develop as a brewer. There is nothing worse than producing a great beer only to have it undone by improper bottle priming.

Be sure to check and double check your numbers, make sure all the equipment that the beer will touch is properly cleaned and sanitized, and make sure the sugar gets well mixed. A popular pastime with homebrewers is trying to replicate their favorite, commercially-available beers. Get some pointers on a cloning a favorite beer. One of the most important processes to control in your homebrewery is the temperature of your wort and beer. Here is a rundown on temperature controllers.

Log In Support Cart 0. Search for: Index. Priming Primer Carbonating while a beer is in a bottle, also know as bottle priming or conditioning, is the most common carbonation method for beginner homebrewers. If you add too much sugar, you will have so-called exploding bottles as a result of over-carbonation. The usual recipes include 4 ounces g of sugar per 5 gallons 19 liters brew. Still, an experienced brewer will adjust the recipe to fit the desired taste and carbonation level.

If you keep your beer bottles in the dark and cold place, the brew will take longer to condition. It is simple as that. The warmer temperature speeds up the yeast activity and carbonates beer faster.

Typically, brewers keep the temperature stable somewhere between 68 F 20 C and 80 F 27 C. If you wait a couple of weeks and your beer is not ready, you need to adjust the temperature. There is no way to know if the carbonation is complete unless you open the bottle. If two weeks have passed, you can try one beer. Proper conditioning will result in the carbonated, tasty beer.

You will also hear the hissing sound of carbonation when you open the bottle. On the other hand, you can safely leave the beer for up to four weeks to make sure yeast has used all the priming sugars. Choosing the right beer bottle can affect your brew quality on several levels. Although you can condition the beer in both glass and plastic bottles, the plastic ones are far more affordable.

Plus, there are fewer chances they will explode due to over-carbonation. Further, glass color will influence the bottle conditioning. Many brewers go with dark bottles instead of clear or green ones. The reason is that light-colored bottles let in more light and are more sensitive to temperature, which may speed up carbonation. Finally, pick out large bottles if you condition highly carbonated beer like Belgian ales.

That way, you will leave plenty of space for growing foam and avoid bottle exploding. Many experienced brewers will give you great advice to fill at least one plastic bottle before conditioning a beer.

Picasso voraciously painted his lovers, and many of his most iconic works feature his wives and mistresses. The artist repainted the two heads on the far right of the artwork to reflect his sentiments regarding women at the time of his breakup. December 20, pm. Social Media. However, their relationship was difficult for Gilot who endured years of Picasso's abuse and his many affairs. In she left him and wrote a book about their relationship, enraging the artist who consequently, disowned their children.

Gilot went on to marry medical research Jonas Salk , who developed the polio vaccine and has led a successful painting and teaching career. After much wooing by Picasso, Jacqueline Roque, 26, gave in to the persistent year-old's romantic overtures. In , six years after the death of Khokhlova, Roque married him, and the two stayed together until his death in Although Picasso used Roque in his art, her semblance was more symbolic During this time, he was more focused on the abstract, mixing various cultural and artistic elements together.

Still, he painted Roque over times and used her in over works — the most portraits of any woman in his life. After his death, she went on to manage his estate. The Nobel Prize winner retreated to the Florida island in the s and ultimately discovered a new muse — the city itself. Before he began sharing his love of landscapes with audiences on 'The Joy of Painting,' the artist spent 20 years of his life in the U. Air Force. The work of these women was overlooked during their lifetime with men receiving recognition instead.

Explore the many ways in which Latina women have broken gender and cultural barriers. The rhyming children's book writer only had to look in the mirror to find his anti-Christmas muse. She would be the muse for his many so-called weeping women portraits. It was the deep reality, not the superficial one. Never granting Olga a divorce, Olga and Picasso remained married until her death in And in , Picasso would marry again at the age of 79 to a year old Jacqueline Roque.

He would paint her more than any of the other women in his life and even painted 70 portraits of her in just one year. During the height of their romance, his artwork of her could be described as lustful and carnal. But as the relationship soured, paintings of Olga depict her as deformed and contorted. Does the fact that Picasso had hundreds of lovers make him a misogynist who changed lovers as often as he changed the mood of his paintings?

Khokhlova subsequently retired from the company and traveled with Picasso to Barcelona, where she was introduced to his family. In works like Portrait of Olga in an Armchair [Gallery 4], Picasso depicted her in Spanish guise to assuage his mother, who had hoped her son would marry a Spanish woman.

They were wed in a Russian Orthodox ceremony in Paris in and had a son, Paulo, in Given his bohemian roots in Barcelona and Paris, Picasso soon rebelled against this refined lifestyle, joking that he wanted to put an outhouse in the backyard of their home. Khokhlova subsequently hounded the artist and his new mistress, following them and shrieking accusations of his infidelity and her treachery. In works such as The Minotaurmachy [Gallery 7] and Bullfight: Death of the Torero [Gallery 7], Khokhlova is often represented by a horse, betrayed and even gored by Picasso in the guise of the mythological minotaur or Spanish bull.

In the last two decades of her life, Khokhlova increasingly suffered from numerous physical and psychological ailments before dying of cancer in I would like to do a portrait of you. I feel we are going to do great things together. I am Picasso. Without question she served as the inspiration for some of his most beautiful—and sensual—paintings and sculptures.

With a voluptuous build and strong features, including cobalt-blue eyes and blond hair, Walter was also sweet, innocent, and demure. This made her an ideal muse and model for the Surrealist period, in which he explored extreme physical and psychological states, often by rendering the human figure with imaginary and distorted forms.

Still married to Olga Khokhlova, Picasso initially had to conceal the presence of his new mistress in both his life and his artwork.

By Pepe Escobar. MBS, as chairman. Hefty bank accounts are frozen, private jets are grounded. Rumors have been swirling for months about a coup against MBS in the making. Instead, what just happened is yet another MBS pre-emptive coup.

This now endangers the King himself. It was only the regard for the King that protected MBS. There are many left in the army against MBS and they are enraged at the arrest of their commanders. To say the Saudi Arabian Army is in uproar is an understatement. Prince Miteb until recently was a serious contender to the Saudi throne.

MBS already controls all the internal media as well as the appointment of governorships. If something's good for Chavez or other left-wing leaders in Latin America-it's bad for democracy. In a symbolic rejection of US capitalism, Bolivia announced it will expel the Coca-Cola Company from the country at the end of the Mayan calendar.

This will mark the end of capitalism and usher in a new era of equality, the Bolivian govt says. By Dr. Martin Luther King Video and transcript. Seventeen people killed in attacks across Iraq: Attacks in Iraq killed 17 people on Thursday, including four members of a family who were murdered with knives, security and medical officials said. Iraq rejects U.

Turkey launches air strikes against Kurdish rebels: Turkish warplanes and helicopter gunships have attacked Kurdish rebel positions in the south east of the country. Syria says Turkey sending terrorists to wage war: - Syria accused Turkey on Thursday of playing a "fundamental role" in supporting terrorism by opening its airport and border to al Qaeda and other jihadists to carry out attacks inside Syria.

Jordan government tries to hush up reports of clashes with the Syrian army? Several news websites and television stations reported "heavy exchange of fire" between the two armies at four different border locations, saying that one Jordanian soldier was injured in the process.

Jordan King concerned over mounting tensions with Syria: Jordanian King Abdullah II on Thursday voiced concern over the escalating tensions and skirmishes on the northern borders with Syria. Video from Aleppo, Syria, draws condemnation of rebels: Video apparently shows rebels executing loyalists of President Bashar Assad in the key northern city of Aleppo, where fighting continues to rage.

Russia: both sides in Syria violate human rights: "It would be useful if Western and Arab politicians looked at the situation in Syria from this angle too. Russia to Oppose UN Assembly Syria Resolution - Foreign Ministry: Russia said the resolution is "one-sided and unbalanced" as it "places responsibility only on the Syrian authorities, while the opposition is outside the international community's demands.

Annan critical of world powers failure to unite over Syria: Kofi Annan has submitted his resignation as special envoy to Syria, saying he plans to step down on August Former Mossad head: Iran should fear next 12 weeks: Former Mossad chief's statement comes as Netanyahu warns time for diplomacy running out amid speculation an attack may take place before US elections. You are commenting using your Google account. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account.

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Like this: Like Loading Germany and Italy near blows over euro. Joplin Mosque Burned To Ground.

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We bought this product because we liked a the price and b the technical features. Both of the above were not available in Australia. The main feature we love is the fact that it can sync with two mobile phones via bluetooth. When a call comes in on one of our mobiles, instead of the ridiculously faint mobile ringtone all five handsets not only ring loudly but announce who is calling as long as the number is in the phone directory imported from the mobile.

We can also answer the call using the Panasonic handset thereby getting better audio quality. However beware if you're buying this in Australia or any other non American country.

When I first plugged the Panasonic adaptor into the mains, smoke started coming out of it! This was because it was designed for American power output volts not the volts we have in Australia.

Read full review. I bought this phone because my old panasonic 2. This had all I needed and more, it does not disrupt the wifi, it connects to the cell phones so I only need to bring the handy with me arround the house. It has more than addres contacts, so no lame 50 contacts addres book, or like other phones. I copied by bluethoot more than addreses, and keep adding.

The item arrived no problems, and It was set up up and runnign in no time. Power Backup is genius, you dont need a extra baterry to take care on the base, you just put one handy in the base and it supplies power to the sistem during a black out, tested it and works great. Memo function was somethig I missed since my old panasonic cassete asnwering machine. Good to see it on this unit. Cons: The batteries take a loot to charge, like all panasonics, but I suppose is to extend their life time, and the phone is supposed to return to the charging dock when not in use.

Changing the ringer volume is stupid dificult, as any other panasonic I know. All in all great product, I doubt it will be replaced any time soon, or foreseable future.

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What will affect the running cost of the heater? Dishwashers Standard Slimline Compact. The oil filled radiator is easy to move from place to place hence allowing one to increase the concentration of heat where it is required most. Models like the NewAir AHB have handles that enable one to carry it well and also reduces the risk of injury.

It also comes with wheels that make it easy to move the radiator. Electricity used to run the radiators is converted to heat and the rest is used to operate the control panel and other features like the resistor and thermostat; depending on the model. The diathermic oil also has a high heat capacity hence absorbs a high amount of energy before its temperature rises by one degree. Its ability to absorb large amounts of heat reduces the amount of energy used to power the radiator.

Is it cheaper to leave heating on low? According to experts at the Energy Saving Trust, as well as British Gas, the idea it's cheaper to leave the heating on low all day is a myth. The Energy Saving Trust says if you're keeping the heating on all day you're losing energy all day, so it's better to heat your home only when you need it. Are oil heaters cheaper to run than electric? Oil heaters by far are more cost effective and safe.

Oil heaters do take longer to heat a room but will provide you a more comfortable heating experience. Also the size of the room is a factor in cost efficiency. How much does it cost to run a watt heater for 24 hours? Are oil heaters dangerous? Safety and features The primary risk of oil heaters is that of fire and burns.

In both regards they are generally more dangerous than heat pumps, hydronics and air conditioning, but less dangerous than electric fan heaters or bar radiators; this is due to the surface temperature of each type of heater. Which is better fan heater or oil filled radiator? Radiative heaters radiate infra-red light which strikes objects and heats them directly, heating the intervening air less. Fan heaters primarily heat the air in the room by forced convection. Oil filled radiators, work like ordinary central heating radiators, primarily heating the air in the room by natural convection.

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Do heaters use a lot of electricity? How can I heat my room without a heater? Part 1 Heating your House Without a Heater. Close all of your windows properly. Can infrared heaters cause cancer? What is the cheapest fuel to heat a house? Why is electric heating so expensive? Are electric heaters safe? Similar Asks.

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For this reason, we cannot predict which children could happily share a room. We know that these behaviours are significantly easier to manage when you know your own children are safe, secure and happy. Children are incredibly resilient and may not show any outward signs of the trauma they have experienced whilst with others.

When children are removed from that experience, they are now safe, but now they also have to deal with the impact of losing their family too, and regardless of what they have experienced, children love unconditionally and suffer a huge sense of loss when removed from their families. This can all be extremely overwhelming for many children — and why a space to call their own is so essential. For children, we need to provide them with a safe place where they can go to be alone when they need to get away from it all.

We hope we have given you some appreciation of why a spare room is so important to both yourself, a foster child and your own children. If you do have a spare bedroom and feel that you could provide a safe, caring and supportive home for a foster child, do get in touch.

Bedroom tips and tricks. Applying to be a foster carer begins with a telephone call to our friendly fostering team on Visit our how to become a foster parent page to find out about more about applying to foster with us. There are a number of steps involved in becoming a foster carer. It all starts when you call our fostering line on All of our applicants complete our 'Skills to foster' training, a 3 day training course during assessment.

If there are no tenancy support schemes listed for your area, check locally for other schemes that may be available. If you receive income-related benefits such as jobseekers or employment and support allowance, income support or pension credit you may qualify for a budgeting loan from Jobcentre Plus to pay rent in advance. The loan is repayable and must be repaid within a two year period, but no interest is charged. A budgeting loan can also be used to pay for the cost of moving, or for essential items such as furniture or equipment in your new home.

To apply for a budgeting loan download the form here: www. Find out more here. At the start of a new tenancy, your landlord should protect your deposit in a secure deposit scheme. You should be given details of the scheme and know how to contact the provider. The scheme provider can help to resolve any dispute you may have with the landlord about the return of your deposit when you leave the property.

Find more information on the. Gov website. Some councils use a combination of both. If your council uses a waiting list, you have to wait until the council notifies you that a home is available. Councils have criteria setting out who is eligible to apply for council housing. Shelter has in-depth advice about applying to go on the housing register.

This is a different process to applying to go on the general waiting list. Contact one of the organisations listed at the end of the page for more information on making a homeless application — especially Crisis or Shelter. Always get advice before making an application. See the useful organisations section below. Contact the housing department at your local council for details of how to apply.

The council will also tell you what priority of housing need you have been assessed as having. The council should give you an idea of how long you have to wait for an offer of accommodation. The waiting time will depend on the priority of your housing need and the type of accommodation that is available. Councils generally use priority systems to allocate housing, although some still use points systems or waiting lists.

Your choice of accommodation will depend on local circumstances, such as how much and what type of housing is available. In many areas, there is a shortage of local council housing.

Make sure you know what your options are and seek advice from Shelter or Citizens Advice before refusing any accommodation that is offered, as refusing an offer may affect your priority status. Even if you own and live in your home the council should consider your housing application in the same way as other applicants.

You could still be at risk of homelessness if, for example, your home is no longer affordable, or if you have to sell your home following a relationship breakdown. Rents in housing association or housing cooperative properties will be lower than those set for private accommodation but are usually higher than rents in council homes. Your local council should have a list of housing associations that provide housing in your area.

The process for getting a housing association home is similar to that for council housing. When you apply, your priority over other housing applicants will be assessed. Some housing associations have an open register and you can apply directly to these housing associations. The housing department at your local council will be able to tell you which housing associations have an open applications system for your area.

Most housing associations will only take tenants who have been nominated by the local council. This means you must first apply to your local council for housing. A housing cooperative is a small housing organisation, where properties are managed and sometimes owned by the members of the co-operative.

There are different types of housing co-operatives, including those where tenants have been involved in building the properties. Getting access to a housing cooperative home can be difficult. Some have open waiting lists but for others you may need to know someone who already lives there to find out about available properties.

Radical Routes or the Confederation of Cooperative Housing may be able to assist you. See the useful organisations section below for contact details. Note: If you have recently come to the UK, have limited right to be here, or are from the European Community, you may not have the right to claim the following benefits. Get advice before claiming.

You can claim housing benefit and council tax reduction whether you rent from a social landlord like a council or housing association, or a private landlord. If you rent your home from a friend or relative you must have a commercial tenancy agreement with them. If you live with a close relative you might not be able to claim housing benefit for any rent you pay.

Housing benefit and council tax reduction are means tested, so the amount you receive is based on your income and circumstances. Universal credit is a new benefit system that is replacing many of the current benefits and tax credits. Families with children who are claiming benefits for the first time in selected Jobcentres now claim universal credit instead of housing benefit. Visit our universal credit pages to find out more about universal credit and how it may affect your family. If you receive universal credit, you will need to apply for council tax reduction separately to your application for universal credit.

I wish I had that. I hardly feel like an adult. Gen Zeds feel inadequate and restless to not be able to have any of that at the age we are expected to. I feel the same way.

Where does that leave me then? At present, a lot of people have opted to move away from home and live somewhere closer to where they work. They live in what people now call co-living spaces. They are basically dorms, but for working professionals. I mean, sharing an apartment would be okay, but living in bunk beds? As an introvert who hates having to converse with other people on my own personal time, I really dislike the idea of co-living space.

It is with the rise of these co-living spaces and the continuously rising prices of basically everything that I begin to wonder:. See more blogs. Personal growth. February 18, Like Post Submit a post. Image Credit. A room I saw in a condominium showroom. I felt jealous. It is with the rise of these co-living spaces and the continuously rising prices of basically everything that I begin to wonder: Will I ever have a space that is really my own?

Round the World. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. How to Eat Sushi the Right Way? Hiking The Narrows Of Zion. Hiking in My Backyard. Written by Coastin Carl. In the Gobi, rare and irregular streams are lost in the sands and sometimes give rise to brackish ponds during the wet season The climate of Mongolia is continental.

MAPS Mongolia. About the author Coastin Carl Riding rollercoasters led me to travel. Round the World View stories. See Details. Let us customize a dream holiday for you. Your trip your way! Need help in planning your perfect holiday? A FREE travel quote! Get a Quote. Do you need a Visa to enter? Let us assist with your travel documents. The magazine for world travellers.

Get your FREE subscription today. Stay up to date with the latest travel info and destination deals! Sign Up! Planning your next trip?

Our brochures are loaded with great ideas. Order Now! Enjoy our online presentations from the comfort of your home. Back to top Our Experts. Goway Travel. Select a Region you are interested in travelling to. Most of the control is in the parliament, which has 76 members and chooses the prime minister and the cabinet officers.

The Mongol Empire gained power as Genghis Khan and his sons conquered much of Asia and Europe during the 13th century. Marco Polo, his father, and an uncle were the first Europeans to cross the Gobi in about A.

The southern portion of Mongolia, known as Inner Mongolia, is part of China. Mongolia became a communist country in , but in multiparty elections were held by the people. All rights reserved. Personality Quizzes. Funny Fill-In. Amazing Animals. Weird But True! Party Animals. Mongolia is located in northern Asia and is sandwiched between Russia and China. Most cities are more like large towns rather than cities.

Ulaanbaator —the capital—is probably the only proper city in Mongolia by international standards. In the west in cities like Olgiy, there is a rather large Kazakh Muslim minority population.

The size of Mongolia has shrunk massively since the glory days of the Mongol Empire. There are currently 21 provinces in Mongolia, with Ulaanbaator the capital city being its own independent autonomous municipality.

The capital is also the highest populated area at about 1. If coming in from China, there are weekly trains from Beijing and the border city of Erlian. There you have it. Any other cities you visit will be branched off from this location.

In all honesty, when it comes to independent travel in Mongolia, most foreign tourists base their activities in Ulaanbaator. Safe travels! Matthew had previously lived and worked in Inner Mongolia for two years, and an additional two years in South Korea.