Menu Science Projects. Project Guides. View Site Map. Science Projects. Grade Levels. Physical Science. Earth and Environmental Science. Behavioral and Social Science. Find out more They advise doctors, nurses, and patients on the correct drug dosage for a patient's weight, age, health, and gender; on interactions between drugs; on side effects; on drug alternatives; on costs; and on ways to give drugs.
They also dispense drugs at pharmacies, according to prescriptions, checking for dangerous drug interactions, and educating patients on how to take drugs, what reactions to watch out for, and how long it should take for drugs to work. Key Requirements Meticulous, responsible, detail-oriented, logical, with outstanding communication skills, and the ability to explain complex ideas in simple language Minimum Degree Doctoral or professional degree Subjects to Study in High School Biology, chemistry, physics, geometry, algebra II, pre-calculus, calculus, English; if available, computer science, foreign language, biotechnology, statistics Median Salary.
Mean Annual Wage. Min Wage. Other Qualifications Prospective pharmacists should have scientific aptitude, good interpersonal skills, and a desire to help others. Watch this video to see why pharmacists in hospitals and healthcare systems love their jobs, as they take a lead role in patient care teams. Explore what you might do on the job with one of these projects Science Fair Project Idea.
Antibiotic Resistance. Drug Solubility. Why Aren't All Medicines Pills? Calcium Carbonate to the Rescue! How Antacids Relieve Heartburn. Ow, My Tummy Hurts! The Biology and Chemistry of Gas Relief. Natural Antimicrobial Agents. Ask Questions Do you have a specific question about a career as a Pharmacist that isn't answered on this page? Retrieved April 1, American Journal of Pharmacy Education. Retrieved January 22, YouTube; user: expertvillage. American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy.
American Society of Health-System Pharmacists. More and more, these categories are beginning to overlap. For example, a scientific engineer working in Drug Delivery needs to understand how toxicology affects Drug Action, and a chemist working in Drug Discovery and Design must know about the pharmacokinetics of Drug Delivery. For this reason, pharmaceutical scientists are required to have a broad base of knowledge in a variety of sciences.
Pharmaceutical scientists can pursue a variety of jobs. They are employed by pharmaceutical companies, they work as pharmacists, doctors, and as researchers and professors at universities, as regulatory scientists for agencies like the Food and Drug Administration FDA , and as researchers at national laboratories such as the National Institutes of Health NIH.
Copyright Information. UC Irvine. What are the Pharmaceutical Sciences? Drug Discovery and Design Drug Discovery and Design deals with the design and synthesis of new drug molecules. Drug Delivery Drug Delivery is concerned with the design of dosage forms — such as tablets, injections or patches — that will deliver the drug to the site of action in a patient.
Drug Action Drug Action examines how the drug itself actually works in a living system, which is the definition of pharmacology. Some pharmacists work in a community setting, such as a retail drugstore, where they dispense medications and counsel patients on the use of prescription and over-the-counter medications.
They also advise patients about general health topics such as diet, exercise, and stress management, and provide information on products such as durable medical equipment or home health care supplies. Some community pharmacists provide specialized services to help patients with conditions such as diabetes, asthma, and high blood pressure; while others participate in smoking cessation interventions and vaccinations.
Other pharmacists work in hospitals, and other healthcare facilities, dispensing medications to inpatients and advising the medical staff on the selection and effects of drugs. Typical responsibilities include making sterile drug solutions to be administered intravenously, and planning, monitoring and evaluation of drug programs and regimens. Some clinical pharmacists go on to specialize in specific drug therapy areas, such as intravenous nutrition support, oncology cancer , nuclear pharmacy used for chemotherapy , geriatric pharmacy, and psychiatric pharmacy the use of drugs to treat mental disease.
Finally, increasing numbers of pharmacists are expanding into non-traditional roles. Some are working as research scientists for pharmaceutical manufacturers, developing new drugs and testing their effects. Others are involved in home health, where they oversee the preparation of infusions — solutions that are injected into patients — and other medications for use in the home.
The two Biola majors most suited for students interested in a future career in the pharmacy field are the:. Either major will provide an excellent foundation for a future career as a pharmacist, in any work environment.
This is evidenced by the fact that most Biola graduates from the Sciences score significantly above the national average on graduate school admissions tests. Furthermore, since some of the pharmacy graduate schools conferring the pharmacist Pharm.