There was no significant loss of stem cell recovery or proliferation. We use highly sophisticated equipment that has been carefully evaluated and selected to provide high quality results.
The samples are stored at degrees C in the vapor phase of liquid nitrogen. For more information on cord blood banking, refer to our calendar for our next free information session near you or attend one of our regularly scheduled webinars from the comfort of your home.
Enroll Get Info Pack. We supplied the frozen cells for the first five cord blood transplants ever performed, which were all between HLA-identical siblings. We also banked cells for two of the next five cord blood transplants performed. Over the decades since, we have demonstrated efficient cell recovery at 5 years 5 , 10 years 6 , 15 years 7 , and most recently The accuracy of these tests rests on the fact that we have had continuous custody of these cells, and we have performed their post-thaw analysis with the same tests as their pre-freeze measurements.
Coming up in another years we will perform a 30 year assessment of our oldest cord blood specimens. Until then, the longest time that cord blood has been frozen and subsequently thawed with efficient recovery of stem and progenitor cells is The longest storage interval of frozen cells that were given to a patient as a cord blood transplant is at least 14 years pers.
Based on the studies in our laboratory, it is likely that cord blood can be stored frozen for decades and still be a potent source of cells for transplantation. It may take some time before clinical studies demonstrate the viability of stem cells from long-term storage that we have established in the laboratory.
Clinical proof would require treating patients with cord blood units that had been in storage for decades. What stroller should I register for? How will I find a good pediatrician? And will I ever settle on color for the nursery? There are so many things to think about before your baby is born.
Cord blood banking has become more popular over the last few years. But what is it, exactly — and is it something you should do? Cord blood contains all the same components as normal blood, including red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and plasma.
These cells can help treat many types of diseases. Cord blood banking is a simple and painless procedure that could save lives. Immediately after birth, cord blood is removed from the clamped-off umbilical cord. After that, the blood is frozen and stored or "banked" for future use. When stored properly, cord blood can remain viable for more than 20 years. Cord blood has been used to treat serious illnesses since the s. And experts are continuing to learn how it might help with a growing number of diseases and disorders.
There are two ways to store cord blood: You can donate it to a public storage bank, or you can pay for private storage. Both types have pros and cons, and the best option for your family depends on different factors.
It varies. Cord blood banking can cost nothing if you donate to a public storage bank. A few other factors can also influence the total cost of cord blood banking, like:.
The hematopoietic stem cells found in cord blood differ from other cells in the body, which mostly can only make copies of themselves. These powerful stem cells, also found in bone marrow, can develop into different types of blood and immune-system cells. Hematopoietic stem cells can help someone who is sick and in need of a stem transplant.
How the cells are used depends on the cord blood banking method you choose. Cord blood stem cells are involved in treating more than 80 different diseases.
Many of these conditions require radiation or chemotherapy, which kill harmful cells but also kill healthy cells at the same time. Transplanting cord blood stem cells into patients undergoing those treatments can help produce new blood cells that can in turn improve their health. Cord blood stem cells are easier to collect, can be stored for longer and can be given to more people than stem cells from bone marrow. Keep in mind that it's still very unlikely your child will ever tap into her own saved cord blood later in life.